Grupo Damm represents the longest standing brewing tradition in Spain – dating back to 1876. Based in Barcelona, Grupo Damm produces world class styles of beers for both domestic and export markets. Estrella Damm, Daura Damm, and Inedit Damm are three of the world-class beers that are currently sold in the US market.
Estrella Damm Lager is the best selling beer in Barcelona – holding a 75% share. It represents a pale-lager style with exceptional flavor and drinkability. It was a two-time Gold Medal winner at the World Beer Championships. Toasted pale malt and grain aromas: medium bodied pale malt palate, a crisp fading finish and a wave of bittering hops.
5.4% ABV
www.EstrellaDamm.com | IG: Estrella Damm | FB: EstrellaDammUS | TWITTER: @EstrellaDamm