Grupo Damm represents the longest standing brewing tradition in Spain – dating back to 1876. Based in Barcelona, Grupo Damm produces world class styles of beers for both domestic and export markets. Estrella Damm, Daura Damm, and Inedit Damm are three of the world-class beers that are currently sold in the US market.
Estrella Damm INEDIT was crafted in partnership by the Brewmasters at Grupo Damm and the globally acclaimed chef Ferran Adria and his team of sommeliers at the world famous el Bulli restaurant. INEDIT is a beer created to pair specifically with food served at the world’s finest restaurants. Estrella Damm INEDIT represents a beer with unrivaled uniqueness; it is a hybrid blend between a lager and Belgian wheat beer.
4.8% ABV